Out walking last night I went past an opening in the trees and my attention was grabbed by the pattern of white and red 'strips' on the door and I was thinking weaving and fibre, not wood. I am also dreaming about weaving, so you can tell what's on my mind! The block in the second photo has another type of weaving within some weaving, so now I have tried the 3 methods Jude has given us in the online class - and - I have so many more ideas. I just had to try weaving some felted wool and ribbon...
yvonne...i commented on Cloth to
Cloth about the really incredible
but here....the tender piece above
is just, well, tender. gently tenderly tender.
Thanks for joining me on my fibre journey and for your comment!
it's me, grace...here because somehow what you said has given me permission to say what i instantly thought when i saw the weaving within a weave....
i immediately saw it as comforting.
as comforting a Great Loss. like
loss of a longstanding and profound
relationship, loss as in a miss-
carriage. This kind of loss.
There is a very STRONG as i said
tenderness to it...an understanding
tenderness that does not negate,
but very quietly restates the fact
that there is goodness always and
that beauty prevails.
Thankyou for seeing and sharing this, Grace.
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