Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Becoming at Home With the Range

I can see I will be using alot of thread in the Mark Making with Machine class! We got off to a good start by familiarizing ourselves about our machines' capacities. I turned the screw on my bobbin case for the first time - something I haven't wanted to alter in case I couldn't get the tension back to functioning properly. Not a big deal at all - and I do have a second one. Many of the machines correct themselves so well that changing the tension doesn't show hardly any noticeable differences. I started samples of my Pfaff's range of tension, stitch width, length and type.
Now I am working on samples of the 195 stitches it has - before I get to playing with them...


arlee said...

It's amazing what those stitches can do and look like when you start "messing" with them :) I play with them when i want to relax and let the other side of my brain work!

Christie Minchew said...

That is such a terrific idea! I've had a Pfaff for about 9 years and I still only use about 2 stitches on a couple of different settings. you've inspired me - thanks!

Yvonne said...

Arlee - I can only imagine and I can't wait to get to the playing part - still testing them out.

Christie - thanks for commenting and it is really worth it to see what these machines can do! I dropped in to your blog and was inspired by the geodes - so thank you, too!