Saturday, December 3, 2011

Imagining What Could Be There

This could be a butterfly: And sky on the ground:

And a face appearing beneath my sandpaper... One of my sons has moved out and I will be moving my studio - after alot of work and a series of shifting around other rooms, first. But I can see it taking shape in my mind's eye.

I have a nuno scarf partially designed with this silk I dyed as a base.

It may be a few days before I get back to it.


deanna7trees said...

oh...that sky on the ground is a great image. you sure sound busy.

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

how funny. i think of you being
maybe late 20's, very early 30s.
a son moving out????? what?????
how little we know about each other. and that also puts a totally different light on what i see you doing on this blog. you are not a young student, it seems. you are a
with a Life
who does an
AMAZING amount of really very
FINE work.......
thanks for that glimpse, Yvonne...

Yvonne said...

Thanks, Deanna - my reminder to myself is 'pleasure, not pressure' so that I allow things to unfold instead of pushing too hard and feeling overwhelmed.

Grace, what a thoughtful acknowledgement - thank you - and yes, I'm middle aged, still have another son at home and have experienced ALOT of life!