Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Studio Tour

Ulreike Benner's studio is surrounded by gorgeous views. I was so caught up in the view from the deck that I was completely surprised to look down and see I was being watched!

There was plenty to look at inside, too - felted hats, scarves, vests, jackets, slippers and her work table upstairs, where she had several pieces in progress and drawers of supplies. She has devoted her life to art making and is highly productive with a binder of notes of all she's made so far this year - 165 shawls alone! And just one is quite an involved and time consuming process - I now speak from experience :) Here she is in her studio:

I feel inspired by her work ethic - she is fastidious, experienced and prolific. And she follows her own rhythm.

Only on Saltspring....

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